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See your OPERA points

Use our calculator to estimate your number of OPERA Points or go to the online banking R-Net to consult your OPERA Points account. You will also receive an OPERA statement every quarter.

Estimate your OPERA Points balance

To find out how many points you can collect, fill in the fields in the calculator tool below with the average quarterly balance on your savings accounts, mortgages, personal loans or a student loan taken out in the year.

The result will be displayed in a table indicating the annual number of points you could accumulate.

If you would like further information, please contact an advisor.

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Simulation 1

Savings products:
Real estate loans:
Personal loans:
Student loan:
OPERA points:
Try another simulation


Use of this simulation tool does not commit Banque Raiffeisen as regards the parameters used for the simulation and the result attained. The number of points is given for information purposes only and is only an estimate of the number of points you could potentially earn. The tool is provided for your use but does not commit Raiffeisen Bank in any way and the results are not guaranteed.

Use your OPERA points

Know how many OPERA Points you’ve got?
Use your points and enjoy all the advantages they offer!

View your points

Log on to your online banking R-Net space to see how many OPERA Points you have.

Points statement

You will also receive an OPERA statement every trimester.

Where to find us

Raiffeisen has branches all over Luxembourg so you will be able to find a branch or ATM wherever you are.

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Any questions?

We are here to answer your questions and can put you in contact with the right people depending on your requirements.