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Legal notices

Legal notice

You are on the website of Banque Raiffeisen (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank"), a cooperative company with its registered office at:

4 rue Léon Laval
L-3372 Leudelange, Luxembourg
Tel.: (352) 24 50 1
Fax: (352) 22 75 41

The Bank is registered on the trade and corporate register under number B-20128. Its VAT number is: LU 18974800.


The Bank is a member of the Luxembourg Deposit Guarantee Fund (FGDL):

Head office: 283, route d’Arlon, L-1150 Luxembourg
Postal address: L-2860 Luxembourg
Tel. (+352) 26 25 1-1
Fax: (+352) 26 25 1-2601
Website: www.fgdl.lu

The protection provided covers deposits made with the Bank, within the legal limits.


The Bank is supervised by the CSSF (the financial sector supervisory authority): 

283, route d’Arlon
L-1150 Luxembourg.
Tel. (352) 26 25 11
Fax: (352) 26 25 16 01


Banque Raiffeisen and its affiliated branches will hereafter be referred to as ‘Raiffeisen’.

Visitors to this website are invited to read these notices thoroughly before browsing on the site.

People who consult pages on the www.raiffeisen.lu website confirm that they have read and understand the legal notices and that they accept their content. Anyone who does not agree with the legal notices is politely requested to leave the website.

Raiffeisen draws your attention to the fact that individuals and businesses who, due to their nationality, address, head office, usual place of residence or who are for other reasons subject to foreign legislation that forbids or restricts the consultation of foreign bank websites, or the distribution of all or part of the information published on this website, are obliged to refrain from consulting this website.

This note applies to freely accessible pages on the website. Additional conditions may apply to the online services provided by the Bank to its clients, especially the R-Net application.

Website purpose and content

The purpose of this website is to present Raiffeisen and its business.

The information shared on the Raiffeisen website is purely informative and does not represent any kind of offer from Raiffeisen; it may not be interpreted as the start of a business relationship. It must not be seen as an incentive to enter into a sale or purchase transaction. 
The information published on this website is not therefore a form of investment advice or legal, accounting or taxation advice. The information and opinions shared on this website are strictly for personal use. They may be changed at any time without prior notification. Outsourcers may have provided some of the information on the website. Raiffeisen shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the information found on this website.

Raiffeisen takes all necessary measures to make sure that the information published on the website is accurate. Raiffeisen only publishes information which it believes to come from a reliable source. Raiffeisen’s liability shall not however be invoked for inaccurate, incomplete or false information or if the information published has been falsified or tampered with. Raiffeisen does not provide any guarantee on the accuracy of the information available on the website.

Raiffeisen and its employees shall not be held liable for the consequences stemming from a loss of connection to the website for any reason whatsoever (technical or human error).


Internet is an open network and communication between users is not secure. Emails sent to Raiffeisen may be intercepted and read by third parties, except for those sent via the R-Net application, which has a secure email module only accessible once the user has logged in. The user is identified by means of a personal identification number and a password. Raiffeisen recommends you send confidential messages by post only. Emails are sent at the sole risk of the web user.

The web user is solely responsible for the terminal that they use and must make sure that it has adequate security features, does not contain any virus or programme that may be a risk for their data.

Protection of personal data and use of cookies

For more information on the protection of personal data and the use of cookies, website users can consult the "Data Protection" section.


Raiffeisen has no control over third party websites that contain links to the Raiffeisen website and is not responsible for the content of those websites. Links to the Raiffeisen website are not permitted without prior written permission.

The Raiffeisen website may contain links to other websites, links which do not invoke Raiffeisen’s liability in any way or for any reason.

Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

The applicable law is the law of Luxembourg.

The website user is hereby notified that any disputes arising from the use, interpretation and application of the information and data found on this website fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Luxembourg.


In accordance with the EU-Directive 2014/65/EU on markets in financial instruments (MiFID II) and the EU-Regulation 600/2014 (MiFIR), entering into force on January 3rd 2018, all persons involved in financial instruments transactions are required to apply new standards in terms of professional organization and behaviour. The aim is to increase the investor’s protection by strengthening the existing rules based on the 2007’s MiFID I Directive.   

You may access and download the related information in the category “legal documents” hereafter. 

Directive (EU) 2015/2366 (PSD2)

In accordance with the provisions of (i) Directive (EU) 2015/2366 on payment services in the internal market, as transposed in the amended law on payment services dated 10 november 2009, and (ii) Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/389 of 27 November 2017 supplementing Directive (EU) 2015/2366 with regard to regulatory technical standards for strong customer authentication and common and secure open standards of communication, the Bank has developed an access interface enabling secure communication with account information service providers, payment initiation service providers and payment service providers issuing card-based payment instruments. 

The management of such interface has been entrusted to the company LUXHUB S.A.. The technical specification of the interface can be accessed via the following link: https://developer.luxhub.com/get-started

Legal documents Format
Applicable rates on payment cards PDF
Policy of best execution of orders and selection of intermediaries PDF
Report on selected investment firms (year 2022) PDF
Report on selected investment firms (year 2023) PDF
Standardized list pursuant to the law of the 13th June 2017 PDF
Investor Guide PDF
General Terms and Conditions governing Banque Raiffeisen’s relationship with its clients (applicable as of 01/10/2023) PDF
General Terms and Conditions governing Banque Raiffeisen's relationship with its clients (applicable as of 01/01/2023) PDF
R-Pension general terms and conditions  PDF
Life insurance general terms and conditions PDF
R-Vie Save Invest general terms and conditions  PDF
V PAY general terms and conditions (applicable as of 01/01/2022) PDF
General Terms and Conditions VISA credit cards (applicable as of 01/01/2022) PDF
General terms and conditions of credit (applicable as of 01/09/2022) PDF
General terms and conditions of credit (applicable as of 01/02/2024) PDF
General informations on real housing loan PDF
R-Net general terms (applicable as of 30/10/2021) PDF
Conditions générales régissant les opérations de crédit-bail en relation avec la fusion envisagée des Caisses Raiffeisen et Raiffeisen Members avec la Banque Raiffeisen (applicable as of 01/06/2019) PDF
Key elements of Raiffeisen Bank's policy concerning the preventing, detecting and managing conflicts of interest  PDF
Mobility Guide PDF
Fee Information Document current account (applicable as of 01/03/2024) PDF
Fee Information Document Green Code Job with OPERA PLUS (applicable as of 01/03/2024) PDF
Fee Information Document Green Code Job without OPERA PLUS (applicable as of 01/03/2024) PDF
Fee Information Document Green Code Study (applicable as of 01/03/2024) PDF
Fee Information Document Green Code 12-18 (applicable as of 01/03/2024) PDF
Fee Information Document OPERA (applicable as of 01/03/2024) PDF
Fee Information Document OPERA PLUS (applicable as of 01/03/2024) PDF
R-Vie Save Invest financial datasheet PDF
R-Junior financial datasheet PDF
R-Vie Protect financial datasheet PDF
Periodic disclosure SFDR ESG Bonds 2024 PDF
Periodic disclosure SFDR ESG Equities 2024 PDF
ESG Bonds pre-contractual information 2023 PDF
ESG Equities pre-contractual information 2023 PDF
R-Junior key datasheet 2023 PDF
R-Vie Protect key datasheet 2023 PDF
R-Vie Save key datasheet - ESG Bonds 2023 PDF
R-Vie Save key datasheet - ESG Equities 2023 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Dynamic fund 2023 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Balanced fund 2023 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Defensive fund 2023 PDF
ESG Bonds key datasheet 2022 PDF
ESG Equities key datasheet 2022 PDF
R-Junior key datasheet 2022 PDF
R-Vie Protect key datasheet 2022 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Dynamic fund 2022 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Balanced fund 2022 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Defensive fund 2022 PDF
R-Junior key datasheet 2021 PDF
R-Vie Protect key datasheet 2021 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Dynamic fund 2021 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Balanced fund 2021 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Defensive fund 2021 PDF
R-Junior key datasheet 2020 PDF
R-Vie Protect key datasheet 2020 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Dynamic fund 2020 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Balanced fund 2020 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Defensive fund 2020 PDF
R-Junior key datasheet 2019  PDF
R-Vie Protect key datasheet 2019  PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Dynamic fund 2019 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Balanced fund 2019 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Defensive fund 2019 PDF
R-Junior key datasheet 2018  PDF
R-Vie Protect key datasheet 2018  PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Dynamic fund 2018 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Balanced fund 2018 PDF
R-Vie Save Invest key datasheet - Defensive fund 2018 PDF
Right to be forgotten - Raiffeisen-Vie PDF
Useful information to assist consumers facing payment difficulties PDF
Submitting a complaint to the bank PDF
Steps to be taken and conditions to be met when sumbmitting an out-of-court complaint resolution application to the CSSF PDF
Certification regarding correspondent accounts for foreign banks PDF
Banque Raiffeisen s.c., Luxembourg. Subordinated Notes due 2025 - Prospectus PDF
Banque Raiffeisen s.c., Luxembourg. Subordinated Notes due 2025 - Prospectus Supplement PDF
Early termination of the subscription period PDF
Banque Raiffeisen s.c., Luxembourg. Subordinated Notes due 2027 - Prospectus PDF
Banque Raiffeisen s.c. Luxembourg. Subordinated Notes due 2032 - Prospectus PDF
General information on the basic payment account PDF
AML Certification Letter 01/2024 PDF
Your rights when making payments in Europe PDF