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Job Starter

The Raiffeisen Job Starter Pack offers benefits to get you started in your professional life.
Your benefits
OPERA PLUS free during 2 years
Preferential rate on your savings
Fees offered for any new rental guarantee

Job Starter - Your benefits

The nerves of your first day in the job, the joys of your first apartment, the stress of your first responsibilities and the excitement of your first dates! We’ve helped you come this far and we’re still here whenever you need us.


Banking benefits

  • Offer for 18-30 year olds (until the 30th birthday)
  • Get your share of €25 to become a member for free
  • OPERA PLUS package free during 2 years: 
    • V PAY debit card
    • Visa Gold credit card
    • Current account
    • SEPA electronic credit transfers
    • ATM cash withdrawals Raiffeisen / POST Luxembourg
    • Discount on application fees of personal loans
    • Discount on application fees of housing loans
    • Discount on subscription fee of savings plan R-PlanInvest
  • Preferential rate for your savings (up to 30 years included)
  • For any new rental guarantee, fees offered
  • No card replacement and card blocking fee
Job Starter Pack

For more information, please contact a Raiffeisen advisor.

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Where to find us

Raiffeisen has branches all over Luxembourg so you will be able to find a branch or ATM wherever you are.

Any questions?

We are here to answer your questions and can put you in contact with the right people depending on your requirements.