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Fees for card transactions in foreign currencies

Please find below the current exchange rates applicable for VISA and V Pay cards transactions and the currency conversion charges as percentage mark-up on the latest reference exchange rates issued by the European Central Bank (ECB). The exchange rates concern the currencies of the member states of the European Economic Area*.

Currency Current exchange rate Percentage mark-up on the ECB reference rate
BGN 0,516405 0,99%
CHF 1,074990 0,47%
CZK 0,040330 1,72%
DKK 0,135404 1,01%
HUF 0,002470 2,15%
ISK 0,006998 1,11%
NOK 0,086364 1,11%
PLN 0,237393 1,38%
RON 0,205170 1,99%
SEK 0,088023 1,26%


The current exchange rate and the percentage mark-up are indicative. They are based on the latest information provided by third parties such as VISA and ECB and are not binding for Banque Raiffeisen. The final exchange rate applied depends on the date and time of the execution of the transaction and may therefore differ from the exchange rate currently displayed on this page.

* Member states of the European Union plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.