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R-PlanInvest savings scheme

Are you looking to invest your money for the long term or save for your loved ones, but you are no longer satisfied with the traditional investment vehicles? Raiffeisen has an interesting alternative: the R-PlanInvest savings scheme.
Your benefits
Flexibility and adaptability at all times
Choice of the amount you invest regularly (min. €50)
Optimal diversification, even for small amounts

R-PlanInvest, a flexible and transparent alternative savings scheme

R-PlanInvest is a SICAV investment fund that gives you the chance to aim for higher returns so you can save for your future requirements and projects. The choice of funds available also means you can select the investment policy that best fits your profile.

An additional choice alongside your conventional investments

Combining personal protection and savings, R-PlanInvest is built up through regular payments into funds that match your profile.

You make regular payments of the amount of your choice (minimum €50) into the funds proposed by Raiffeisen. The payments are made by monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual standing order. To optimise the average acquisition price, we recommend a monthly payment.

The multiple funds put forward by Raiffeisen mean you can choose the funds that best suit your aspirations and your investor profile. The choice is made according to the duration of your savings plan and your appetite for risk.

Your benefits:

  • Attractive tax status – No withholding tax for clients resident in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.
  • Capital gains - not taxable if the holding period exceeds 6 months.
  • Diversification of your savings – Complements cash savings.
  • Flexibility – You can stop payments or exit the plan at any time.
  • No initial capital required
  • Attractive pricing – No custody fees, discount on subscription fees
  • Free to choose how often you want to pay in (one-off deposits, monthly, quarterly, every six months or once a year) and how much you want to deposit.
  • A levelling-out of acquisition prices – If you invest in a SICAV with regular, stable instalments, you can level out acquisition prices. This ‘Cost-Averaging’ strategy has a positive impact on the average acquisition prices (cost price) by balancing out fluctuations in purchase prices.



Investment horizon 5-10 years (depends on the fund selected)
Investment choices Determined by the Investor from the SICAVs offered
Minimum amount to save and regularity €50/Month, €150/quarter, €300/six months or €600/year
Supplementary payments Possible at any time

Withdrawals possible at any time 

Cash available in the account in 2-3 days

Subscription fee 1.50% of the invested amount (OPERA PLUS member discount: 20%)
Redemption fee 0.50 % (no minimum)
Custody fees   Free
Securities statement 
  • Notice on every transaction
  • Securities deposit statement: quarterly

Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investing in an investment fund involves a risk of capital loss. Information on each of the funds is available in the fund's key information documents. 

Contact your Raiffeisen advisor to find out more

Tell us how much you would like to invest, for how long and what kind of investor you are (how cautious), and your Raiffeisen advisor will help you find the best solution for you. 

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