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Tax Optimisation

When reducing your taxes becomes easier...

Solutions that suit your needs, whatever your situation.

You can benefit from attractive tax advantages by saving through a life insurance policy, a pension plan, or a home savings account.

These savings options are encouraged by law to help you build a financial cushion, protect your loved ones, supplement your retirement, or prepare for the purchase of your future home.

Whatever your situation, Banque Raiffeisen offers tailored solutions to help you make the most of these benefits. Learn more.

Home savings account

Put money aside so you can buy a house later on and deduct €672 or €1,344 per person from your tax bill, depending on the age of the youngest saver.

R-Pension & R-Vie Pension* insurance plans

Save for your pension and deduct €3,200 from your taxes per year and regardless of the taxpayer's age (following the amendments to article 111bis L.I.R. on pension savings).

*in collaboration with our partner Foyer

R-Protect* insurance

Use our R-Vie Protect life insurance product to plan, save and reduce your tax burden depending on your situation. 

*in collaboration with our partner Foyer

An overview of the possibilities for tax optimisation with the products on offer

Product Deductible amount
Home savings account*

≤ 40 years of age: €1,344 per person in the household

> 40 years of age: €672 per person in the household

R-Pension/R-Vie Pension insurance plans 

€3,200 per year and regardless of the taxpayer's age

R-Protect €672 per person in the household

* N.B.: The age is the age of the youngest adult saver on 1st January of the year in question 

Tax Optimisation

Don’t delay: start thinking about how to optimise your tax burden so you don’t have to take last-minute action at the end of the year.

Where to find us

Raiffeisen has branches all over Luxembourg so you will be able to find a branch or ATM wherever you are.

Any questions?

We are here to answer your questions and can put you in contact with the right people depending on your requirements.